Part­ner­ships for your success

Our part­ners

Any elec­tro­nic file is only as powerful as its in- and out­puts. We are con­stant­ly loo­king for oppor­tu­ni­ties to deve­lop seam­less inte­gra­ti­on to other sources of rele­vant data.

As an IP manage­ment soft­ware pro­vi­der we want to focus on our core busi­ness and our strengths – hand­ling, manage­ment and admi­nis­tra­ti­on of the elec­tro­nic intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio. This invol­ves data exch­an­ge with other ser­vice pro­vi­ders like annui­ty ser­vices, trans­la­tors, rese­ar­chers, 3rd par­ty moni­to­ring or natio­na­li­sa­ti­on and vali­da­ti­on institutions.

We are always inte­res­ted in solu­ti­ons which com­ple­ment our pro­duct ran­ge in a sen­si­ble way. Stra­te­gic part­ner­ships enable us to offer tail­o­red con­cepts which com­ple­te­ly meet your requirements.

If you are inte­res­ted in a part­ner­ship, we will be deligh­ted if you make contact.

Part­ners IP manage­ment soft­ware | GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH