Our 35th anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on was an extra­or­di­na­ry event that will remain in our memo­ries for a long time. We cele­bra­ted not only the anni­ver­sa­ry of our com­pa­ny but also the shared suc­ces­ses and the strong com­mu­ni­ty that defi­nes us. The evening began with a warm wel­co­me from our foun­der Chris­ti­an Kra­mer and our mana­ging direc­tors Bea­te Schmutz and San­dra Kosciel­ny, who reflec­ted on the deve­lo­p­ment and mile­sto­nes of the past 35 years. Their words remin­ded us of how far we have come and the chal­lenges we have over­co­me tog­e­ther. A big thank you to all who are part of our suc­cess sto­ry. We are loo­king for­ward to many more suc­cessful years ahead!