Book a demo

Dis­co­ver our IP Manage­ment Systems

Are you rea­dy for effi­ci­ent soft­ware solu­ti­ons to mana­ge your patents, trade­marks, designs and domains?

We are — and we are rea­dy to accom­pa­ny you on your way to more effi­ci­ent IP manage­ment! Based on our over 35 years of expe­ri­ence in IP manage­ment, we offer you soft­ware solu­ti­ons that not only ful­fil your requi­re­ments, but exceed them.

It’s time to go paper­less and glo­bal­ly inde­pen­dent and make your patent manage­ment work­flows more effi­ci­ent and cost-effec­ti­ve. Deci­de now for a future-pro­of IP manage­ment solu­ti­on! With IP Now we offer you and your employees a modern web-based Intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty manage­ment soft­ware with which you can mana­ge your patents, trade­marks, designs and domains com­ple­te­ly digi­tal­ly and decen­tra­li­zed. All users only need a web brow­ser and docu­ment pro­ces­sing soft­ware such as Word to work any­whe­re and any­ti­me via the web — no mat­ter what device they use (PC, Mac, tablet).

Our sales team will be deligh­ted to show you all the func­tion­a­li­ties of IP Now in a per­so­nal and non-bin­ding Teams meeting.

Book your free live demo and learn more about our IP manage­ment sys­tem IP Now:

Pierina Sanna
Pie­ri­na Sanna
Consultant IP Management software
Gero Sei­del

Live-Demo IP Now | IP manage­ment sys­tem | GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH