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IP manage­ment systems

Whe­ther ear­ly adop­ter of WiN­PAT, new­co­mer to IP Now or new cli­ents — here you can read some refe­ren­ces regar­ding the intro­duc­tion, ser­vice line and qua­li­ty of our IP manage­ment software:

“Due to the good sup­port from GSI, the migra­ti­on to IP Now went well.” 

Dani­el Bauer

Head of Patent Manage­ment — RWE Power AG, Essen / Germany

“With IP Now, we are final­ly making our struc­tures as agi­le as we have always wan­ted them to be.” 

Dr.-Ing. Mar­tin Kuschel

Euro­pean Patent Att­or­ney — PAUS­TI­AN & PART­NER Patent­an­wäl­te mbB, Mün­chen / Germany 
“Our law firm has been working relia­bly with GSI’s WiN­PAT data­ba­se for many years. Anyo­ne who has alre­a­dy work­ed with a data­ba­se to mana­ge pro­per­ty rights and gets to know WiN­PAT for the first time, will app­re­cia­te it imme­dia­te­ly. It is a very well struc­tu­red and easy-to-grasp data­ba­se. It has many useful func­tions across the board which enable cus­to­mers to work effi­ci­ent­ly in the manage­ment of pro­per­ty rights.” 

Julia Schö­nig

Head of Trade­marks and Designs — Schrei­ber Hahn Som­mer­lad Rechts­an­wäl­te PartG mbB, Frank­furt am Main / Germany 
“With IP Now I have final­ly found a soft­ware solu­ti­on which can grow in a fle­xi­ble way with me and my law firm and has con­sidera­ble future poten­ti­al. And all of this at a reasonable pri­ce-per­for­mance ratio.” 

Feli­ci­ta Banzhaf

Patent Att­or­ney — BANZ­HAF IP, Stutt­gart / Germany

“IP Now is the patent manage­ment soft­ware with an inte­gra­ted home office. As IP Now users, we only need an inter­net con­nec­tion to be ful­ly ope­ra­tio­nal — regard­less of loca­ti­on and plat­form. Sin­ce IP Now is a cloud solu­ti­on, we do not have to main­tain any hard­ware and don’t need to worry about any updates, back­ups, etc.” 

Dipl.-Ing. Achim Scholl

Patent Att­or­ney — Jan­ke Scholl Patent Att­or­neys, Düs­sel­dorf / Germany

“Our firm was one of GSI’s very first cus­to­mers. Every day we dis­co­ver anew how cor­rect and far-sigh­ted this decis­i­on to opt for GSI was on the part of our foun­ders. Sin­ce that day, we have car­ri­ed out count­less pro­jects with GSI in opti­mi­sing the pro­ces­ses within our firm. In the pro­cess, we have always been able to rely on the out­stan­ding know-how of GSI’s experts. The lof­ty cla­im “WiN­PAT — and the work flows” is impres­si­ve­ly con­firm­ed in our firm. I can warm­ly recom­mend WiN­PAT to all my colleagues.” 

Dipl.-Ing. Ste­phan Kopp, LL.M.

Seni­or Part­ner — Kuh­nen & Wacker Patent- und Rechts­an­walts­bü­ro PartG mbB, Frei­sing / Germany 
“A very pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject manage­ment and a very dedi­ca­ted team have made our WiN­PAT intro­duc­to­ry pro­ject a very posi­ti­ve expe­ri­ence for us.” 

Dr. Paul Barbic

R&D Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty — TREI­BA­CHER INDUS­TRIE AG, Alt­ho­fen / Austria

“I’ve been working with WiN­PAT for near­ly ten years. It’s ama­zing how har­mo­nious­ly the sys­tem adapts to both a one-man depart­ment and a lar­ger depart­ment with com­plex pro­ces­ses. I can only recom­mend WiN­PAT to everyone.” 

Andre­as Noack

R&D/Zentral — Olym­pus Win­ter & Ibe GmbH, Ham­burg / Germany

“Sie­ge­nia-Aubi has been suc­cessful­ly using WiN­PAT for many years and we feel that WiN­PAT is a solu­ti­on that redu­ces workload and does not gene­ra­te addi­tio­nal effort. We use WiN­PAT to hand­le all pro­ces­ses for two com­pa­nies, from the inven­ti­on dis­clo­sure to the intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty task. We use opti­mal pro­cess maps accor­ding to our inter­nal pro­ces­ses and needs. The docu­ment manage­ment and inter­nal cost allo­ca­ti­on is almost per­fect and we were able to fle­xi­bly design the docu­ment gene­ra­ti­on accor­ding to our ideas.” 

Tho­mas Freudenberg

Head of patent depart­ment — Sie­ge­nia-Aubi KG, Sie­gen / Germany 
“The excel­lent ser­vice line gua­ran­tees com­pe­tent sup­port at all times.” 

Dr. Peter Kalisch 

Head of CMC — MEDI­CE GmbH & Co. KG, Iser­lohn / Germany

“The intro­duc­tion was plea­sing­ly unpro­ble­ma­tic. We work­ed with WiN­PAT prac­ti­cal­ly from the first moment, ever­yo­ne in the depart­ment. The GSI soft­ware is a must, espe­ci­al­ly becau­se it also makes working with our lawy­ers easier.” 

Jür­gen Pfeiffer 

Patents and con­tracts — Komet Group Hol­ding GmbH, Besig­heim / Germany 

Cus­to­mer refe­ren­ces | IP manage­ment soft­ware | GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH