Events by GSI

GSI User Con­fe­rence 2024

The GSI User Con­fe­rence will take place on 27 and 28 June 2024 at the Euro­stars Grand Cen­tral Hotel in Munich.

We have pre­pared exci­ting topics and news about our IP manage­ment sys­tems WiN­PAT and IP Now for you.

Agen­da WiN­PAT | Thurs­day, 27 June 2024

Time  Topic
10:00 am Regis­tra­ti­on
10:30 am Wel­co­me by San­dra Koscielny
11:00 am Review WiN­PAT 6.0
  • Using WiN­PAT in the cloud — field report
    Spea­k­ers: Har­ry Frisch­knecht and Rafa­el Bus­chau­er, Isler Pedrazzini
  • Impro­ve­ments through WiN­PAT DMS Ver­si­on 5.0
    Spea­k­er: Lorenz Kreß
12:00 pm Busi­ness Lunch
1:00 pm Digi­tal col­la­bo­ra­ti­on: WiN­PAT and the offices
  • News from the offices | Spea­k­er: Chris­ti­na ten Hövel, EPO 
    • Aboli­ti­on of smart­cards and migra­ti­on to 2FA
    • Road­map of plan­ned chan­ges to the EPO’s tools
    • MyE­PO port­fo­lio — over­view and fil­ing of trans­fers of rights
    • Con­tin­gen­cy Upload Ser­vice (CUS)
    • Mail­box API
  • Inter­face (API) to the EPO Mail­box | Spea­k­er: Dr Jörg Fau­pel, See­mann & Part­ner | Co-Spea­k­er: Chris­ti­an Cyriax
  • Elec­tro­nic mail­box DPMA | Spea­k­er: Dr Jörg Fau­pel, See­mann & Part­ner | Co-Spea­k­er: Chris­ti­an Cyriax
2:45 pm Break
3:15 pm Task pool in WiN­PAT: Advan­ced Patent Inter­ac­tion (API)
Spea­k­er: Robert Klingsbichl-Walter
3:30 pm WiN­PAT tips & tricks
Spea­k­er: Rebec­ca Lutz
4:00 pm Loo­king ahead to WiNPAT
Spea­k­er: Mar­tin Sulzbacher
4:15 pm Expe­ri­ence with the trans­fer to IP Now
Spea­k­er: Dani­el Bau­er, RWE | Co-spea­k­er: Karin Geißler
4:45 pm Sum­ma­ry and fare­well by San­dra Koscielny
5:00 pm End of day 1 of the User Conference

27.6.24 from 6:30 pm CET
GSI 35th anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on in the Stig­le­rie, Nym­phen­bur­ger Str. 3, 80335 Munich

Pri­or, bin­ding regis­tra­ti­on requi­red by 14 June at:

Agen­da IP Now | Fri­day, 28 June 2024

Time Topic
8:00 am Regis­tra­ti­on
8:30 am Wel­co­me and review of 5 years of IP Now
Spea­k­er: Pie­ri­na Sanna
9:00 am Best prac­ti­ce for law firms and corporates
  • Effi­ci­ent remin­ders from clients/specialist departments
    Spea­k­er: Max Feu­cker, Becker Mül­ler | Co-Spea­k­er: Arnulf Götz
  • Kee­ping IP rights ali­ve efficiently
    Spea­k­er: Max Feu­cker, Becker Mül­ler | Co-spea­k­er: Arnulf Götz
  • Easi­ly map and imple­ment decisions
    Spea­k­er: Arnulf Götz
  • Inte­gra­ti­on of IP ser­vices: com­mis­sio­ning pay­ments wit­hout complications
    Spea­k­er: Dani­el Bau­er, RWE | Co-spea­k­er: Karin Geißler
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Secu­re and relia­ble imple­men­ta­ti­on of IP processes
Spea­k­er: Bernd Bös­herz, Bös­herz Göbel
11:15 am The door to your IP world: Working with por­tals | Spea­k­ers: Erik Gebel, Gero Seidel
  • From the idea to the patent
  • Co-ope­ra­ti­on with stake­hol­ders wit­hout detours
  • How do I bind my cli­ents to me?
12:15 pm Busi­ness Lunch
1:15 pm News from the offices | Spea­k­er: Chris­ti­na ten Hövel, EPO
  • Aboli­ti­on of smart cards and migra­ti­on to 2FA
  • Road­map of plan­ned chan­ges to the EPO’s tools
  • MyE­PO port­fo­lio — over­view and fil­ing of trans­fers of rights
  • Con­tin­gen­cy Upload Ser­vice (CUS)
  • Mail­box API
2:15 pm Tips & tricks IP Now from Gero Seidel
2:45 pm Sum­ma­ry and fare­well by Pie­ri­na Sanna
3:00 pm End of the User Conference

Loca­ti­on of the event

We wel­co­me you to the con­fe­rence rooms of the Euro­stars Grand Cen­tral Hotel at Arnulf­stra­ße 35 in 80636 Munich. The venue is easi­ly acces­si­ble by public trans­port as well as by car. The hotel offers par­king spaces in the under­ground car park for €20/night. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it is not pos­si­ble to reser­ve a par­king space. Howe­ver, the­re are public car parks around the hotel (on the street) and an under­ground car park at the ZOB.

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, GSI can­not offer hotel allot­ments for this event. Plea­se cont­act the con­fe­rence hotel or ano­ther hotel of your choice yourself.

Your regis­tra­ti­on
Plea­se regis­ter by 10 June 2024 at the latest. We reser­ve the right to can­cel the User Con­fe­rence if the num­ber of regis­tra­ti­ons is too low.

The pri­ce per par­ti­ci­pant for both days is € 295,- plus VAT. For par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on on only one day we char­ge € 225,- plus VAT.

Can­cel­la­ti­on fee
From 11 to 19 June 2024, a 50% can­cel­la­ti­on fee will be char­ged on the actu­al net invoice amount of the can­cel­led person.
From 20 June 2024 and in case of non-par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on wit­hout having infor­med GSI, the full fees will be charged.


We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to the GSI User Con­fe­rence in Munich.

Your GSI Team


Thurs­day, 27.6.24 | 10:00 am — 5:00 pm CET 
Fri­day, 28.6.24 | 8:00 am — 3:00 pm CET 


Euro­stars Grand Cen­tral Hotel 
Arnulfstr. 35
80636 Munich, Germany 


1 day: € 225,00 plus VAT 
2 days: € 295,00 plus VAT 

Regis­ter now

GSI User Con­fe­rence 2024 | IP Manage­ment Software