WiN­PAT — our cli­ent ser­ver solu­ti­on for your enti­re IP management

WiNPAT Patentverwaltungssoftware Markenverwaltungssoftware
WiNPAT - Die Marken- und Patentverwaltungsoftware
With our com­pre­hen­si­ve IP manage­ment solu­ti­on WiN­PAT, you do not have to make any com­pro­mi­ses. Becau­se WiN­PAT reflects all the busi­ness pro­ces­ses of an IP law firm or IP depart­ment in a way that is fle­xi­ble, sca­lable and indi­vi­du­al­ly adjustable. 

Sin­ce its mar­ket launch in 1995, WiN­PAT is the trade­mark and patent manage­ment sys­tem with which you can per­fect­ly map your indi­vi­du­al busi­ness pro­ces­ses. You have maxi­mum free­dom in desig­ning your work­flows, form let­ters and batch pro­ces­ses. In con­junc­tion with the por­tals, you can invol­ve all stake­hol­ders in the IP pro­cess wit­hout any gaps bet­ween media. So you always have the infor­ma­ti­on you need for your work in the elec­tro­nic file.

You deci­de which pro­ces­ses you need and want to use. WiN­PAT is modu­lar in struc­tu­re. So the­re is no char­ge for unu­sed func­tion­a­li­ty. WiN­PAT can be adapt­ed at any time to fit the size and com­ple­xi­ty of your orga­ni­sa­ti­on. You are the­r­e­fo­re inves­t­ing in a future-pro­of intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty soft­ware solution.

WiN­PAT — our cli­ent ser­ver solu­ti­on
for your IP management

WiN­PAT will gui­de you through the enti­re value added chain of IP manage­ment. For law firms or cor­po­ra­tes, WiN­PAT offers all the rele­vant func­tions for mana­ging patents, trade­marks and designs.

Work­flow engi­ne for the auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of terms, form let­ters or emails

Trans­pa­rent data sto­rage and docu­ment fil­ing in the elec­tro­nic files

Com­pre­hen­si­ve report­ing across the enti­re data pool

Patentverwaltungssoftware WiNPAT

Batch func­tion­a­li­ty for opti­mum sup­port of mass processes

Inte­gra­ti­on of inter­nal and exter­nal IP par­ties via portals

Regu­lar updates on terms and fees



Intellectual property management software


Files for trade­marks, designs, patents and domains as well as for rese­arch, inven­ti­ons, sta­te of the art, third-par­ty pro­per­ty rights, con­flicts, con­tracts and licences. 
Intellectual property management software


Manu­al and auto­ma­tic pro­ce­du­re-spe­ci­fic gene­ra­ti­on of terms in the files as well as clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of terms in the terms diary. 
Intellectual property management software


Gene­ra­ti­on of docu­ments and forms from the file and easy docu­ment import to the file through drag & drop. 
Patent management software


Pro­ce­du­re-spe­ci­fic work­flows for gene­ra­ting terms, fil­ling in fields and pre­pa­ring form let­ters. Indi­vi­du­al work­flows for map­ping your own busi­ness processes. 
Intellectual property management software


Admi­nis­tra­ti­on of legal enti­ties and natu­ral per­sons with all rele­vant data and rela­ti­ons to files. 
Intellectual property management software

Annu­al fees 

Remin­ders and due dates for all annu­al fees and auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of pay­ment lists. 
Patent management software


Opti­on to design your own ope­ning screen with all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on such as seve­ral dead­line diaries. 
Intellectual property management software


Struc­tu­ring port­fo­lio by patent or trade­mark clas­ses or on the basis of self-defi­ned tech­no­lo­gy or pro­duct classes. 
Intellectual property management software


Par­al­lel ope­ning of seve­ral files, copy­ing docu­ments bet­ween files, simp­le moving and dele­ga­ting of terms, and much more besides. 
Intellectual property management software


Exten­si­ve search func­tions and dis­play of addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on the desi­red result as well as pre­pa­ra­ti­on of lists and export to Excel. 
Intellectual property management software


Email gene­ra­ti­on from the file – manu­al­ly or on the basis of tem­pla­tes – inclu­ding auto­ma­tic attach­ment of docu­ments; simp­le fil­ing of emails by drag & drop. 
Formulare Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung


Indi­vi­du­al file notes in accordance with defi­nable cri­te­ria such as pho­ne memo, remark, com­ment, and much more. 
Patent management software

Dyna­mic links 

Auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of links from the file to public data­ba­ses when the rele­vant file refe­ren­ces are entered. 
Report Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung


Free­ly defi­nable and storable SQL queries to the enti­re data pool. 
Patent management software

Assign­ment of rights 

Defi­ni­ti­on of read-only rights, read/write rights and exe­cu­te per­mis­si­ons on the basis of users or roles. 



Intellectual property management software


Files for trade­marks, designs, patents and domains as well as for rese­arch, inven­ti­ons, sta­te of the art, third-par­ty pro­per­ty rights, con­flicts, con­tracts and licences. 
Intellectual property management software


Manu­al and auto­ma­tic pro­ce­du­re-spe­ci­fic gene­ra­ti­on of terms in the files as well as clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of terms in the terms diary. 
Intellectual property management software


Gene­ra­ti­on of docu­ments and forms from the file and easy docu­ment import to the file through drag & drop. 
Patent management software


Pro­ce­du­re-spe­ci­fic work­flows for gene­ra­ting terms, fil­ling in fields and pre­pa­ring form let­ters. Indi­vi­du­al work­flows for map­ping your own busi­ness processes. 
Intellectual property management software


Admi­nis­tra­ti­on of legal enti­ties and natu­ral per­sons with all rele­vant data and rela­ti­ons to files. 
Intellectual property management software

Annu­al fees 

Remin­ders and due dates for all annu­al fees and auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of pay­ment lists. 
Patent management software


Opti­on to design your own ope­ning screen with all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on such as seve­ral dead­line diaries. 
Intellectual property management software


Struc­tu­ring port­fo­lio by patent or trade­mark clas­ses or on the basis of self-defi­ned tech­no­lo­gy or pro­duct classes. 
Intellectual property management software


Par­al­lel ope­ning of seve­ral files, copy­ing docu­ments bet­ween files, simp­le moving and dele­ga­ting of terms, and much more besides. 
Intellectual property management software


Exten­si­ve search func­tions and dis­play of addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on the desi­red result as well as pre­pa­ra­ti­on of lists and export to excel. 
Intellectual property management software


Email gene­ra­ti­on from the file – manu­al­ly or on the basis of tem­pla­tes – inclu­ding auto­ma­tic attach­ment of docu­ments; simp­le fil­ing of emails by drag & drop. 
Formulare Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung


Indi­vi­du­al file notes in accordance with defi­nable cri­te­ria such as pho­ne memo, remark, com­ment, and much more. 
Patent management software

Dyna­mic links 

Auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of links from the file to public data­ba­ses when the rele­vant file refe­ren­ces are entered. 
Report Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung


Free­ly defi­nable and storable SQL queries to the enti­re data pool. 
Patent management software

Assign­ment of rights 

Defi­ni­ti­on of read-only rights, read/write rights and exe­cu­te per­mis­si­ons on the basis of users or roles. 



Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Work­flow packages 

Over 200 busi­ness pro­ces­ses pre­pared, 50 offi­ci­al forms, 150 forms pre­pared and 830 dead­line rules for law firms and indus­tri­al com­pa­nies; month­ly updates to rules and forms. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inco­ming mail 

Auto­ma­tic allo­ca­ti­on of emails from Out­look to files and per­sons with optio­nal gene­ra­ti­on of terms or launch of workflows. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inco­ming Mail Plus 

Auto­ma­tic allo­ca­ti­on and fil­ing of PDF files on the basis of file names or file refe­rence reco­gni­ti­on (for OCR/PDF) with optio­nal gene­ra­ti­on of dead­lines and launch of workflows. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inventor’s bonus 

Cal­cu­la­ti­on of the inven­tor bonus on the basis of the Employee Inven­ti­on Act and Direc­ti­ve inclu­ding regis­tra­ti­on of pro­duct sales and auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of let­ters to inventor. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Free­ly defi­nable dos­sier of files for upco­ming decis­i­ons for review and sub­se­quent pro­ces­sing via workflows. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Eva­lua­ti­on of pro­per­ty rights 

Indi­vi­du­al eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria and cal­cu­la­ti­on of score to sup­port and docu­ment decis­i­ons on the regis­tra­ti­on, sub­se­quent regis­tra­ti­on, exten­si­on or drop­ping of pro­per­ty rights. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Report Plus 

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and sto­rage of eva­lua­tions and reports with fle­xi­ble design of data dis­play­ed and layout. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Data Quality 

Free­ly defi­nable set of rules for revie­w­ing data inputs and their correction. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Regis­tra­ti­on of services 

Regis­tra­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al ser­vices for files or indi­vi­du­als and trans­fer of ser­vice items to out­go­ing invoices. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Invoice Management 

Gene­ra­ti­on of inco­ming and out­go­ing invoices on the basis of invoice tem­pla­tes and free­ly defi­nable fees on file. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Com­ple­te, read-only copy of the WiN­PAT file in html inclu­ding asso­cia­ted documents. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

OPS Module 

Down­loa­ding of texts, dra­wings, infor­ma­ti­on from Open Patent Ser­vice and com­pa­ri­son of biblio­gra­phic data with the file. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

IDS Module 

Regis­tra­ti­on of sta­te of the art in the pro­cess, assess­ment and clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the rele­van­ce and sta­tus of IDS at the US PTO and other count­ries with simi­lar requirements. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inter­face with pay­ment institutions 

Inter­faces with the auto­ma­tic export and data recon­ci­lia­ti­on with PAVIS, Den­ne­mey­er, Ipan, CPA, CPI and Brandstock. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Pavis Connect 

Inter­face with the PAVIS web ser­ver with real-time visua­li­sa­ti­on and cost preview. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Online Filing 

Elec­tro­nic regis­tra­ti­on of pro­per­ty rights via DPMA­di­rekt­Pro, EPA Online / CMS as well as IGE. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

EPO pay­ment interface 

The EPO online pay­ment inter­face with elec­tro­nic pay­ment of annu­al char­ges and legal fees and inspec­tion of the cur­rent account balan­ce as well as gene­ra­ti­on of a cor­re­spon­ding inco­ming invoice to be pas­sed on. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Accounts interface 

Exch­an­ge of invoice data bet­ween exis­ting accoun­ting sys­tems such as Sage KHK, DATEV and WiNPAT. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

SAP interface 

Set­ting up data exch­an­ge with SAP on the basis of cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic specifications. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Ana­ly­tics plus 

Ana­ly­ti­cal tool for pre­sen­ting the port­fo­lio on the basis of the WiN­PAT report and for detec­ting data out­liers and unfil­led data fields to impro­ve data quality. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

KPI package 

Indi­vi­du­al­ly defi­nable data ana­ly­ses and gra­phic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of IP key indi­ca­tors as the basis for manage­ment and stra­te­gic planning. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Opt-Out sun­ri­se package 

Deter­mi­ning and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly imple­men­ting opt-out decis­i­ons on the rele­vant port­fo­lio by cli­ents or cost centres. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Mul­ti­l­in­gu­al capability 

User-spe­ci­fic set­ting and chan­ge of desi­red lan­guage (Ger­man or English). 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Auto­ma­tic sto­rage of all chan­ges to a docu­ment inclu­ding the ope­ra­ti­ve; pre­ven­ti­on of memo­ry con­flicts if docu­ments are cal­led up simul­ta­neous­ly by means of an expli­cit check-out. Full text search built in. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Indi­vi­du­al solutions 

The­re are sure to be many more requi­re­ments for indi­vi­du­al inter­faces or func­tions. We are also hap­py to accept your requests as a challenge. 


Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Work­flow packages 

Over 200 busi­ness pro­ces­ses pre­pared, 50 offi­ci­al forms, 150 forms pre­pared and 830 dead­line rules for law firms and indus­tri­al com­pa­nies; month­ly updates to rules and forms. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inco­ming mail 

Auto­ma­tic allo­ca­ti­on of emails from Out­look to files and per­sons with optio­nal gene­ra­ti­on of dead­lines or launch of workflows. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inco­ming Mail Plus 

Auto­ma­tic allo­ca­ti­on and fil­ing of PDF files on the basis of file names or file refe­rence reco­gni­ti­on (for OCR/PDF) with optio­nal gene­ra­ti­on of dead­lines and launch of workflows. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inventor’s bonus 

Cal­cu­la­ti­on of the inven­tor bonus on the basis of the Employee Inven­ti­on Act and Direc­ti­ve inclu­ding regis­tra­ti­on of pro­duct sales and auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of let­ters to inventor. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Free­ly defi­nable dos­sier of files for upco­ming decis­i­ons for review and sub­se­quent pro­ces­sing via workflows 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Eva­lua­ti­on of pro­per­ty rights 

Indi­vi­du­al eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria and cal­cu­la­ti­on of score to sup­port and docu­ment decis­i­ons on the regis­tra­ti­on, sub­se­quent regis­tra­ti­on, exten­si­on or drop­ping of pro­per­ty rights. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Report Plus 

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and sto­rage of eva­lua­tions and reports with fle­xi­ble design of data dis­play­ed and layout. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Data Quality 

Free­ly defi­nable set of rules for revie­w­ing data inputs and their correction. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Regis­tra­ti­on of services 

Regis­tra­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al ser­vices for files or indi­vi­du­als and trans­fer of ser­vice items to out­go­ing invoices 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Invoice Management 

Gene­ra­ti­on of inco­ming and out­go­ing invoices on the basis of invoice tem­pla­tes and free­ly defi­nable fees on file. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Com­ple­te, read-only copy of the WiN­PAT file in html inclu­ding asso­cia­ted documents. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

OPS Module 

Down­loa­ding of texts, dra­wings, infor­ma­ti­on from Open Patent Ser­vice and com­pa­ri­son of biblio­gra­phic data with the file. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

IDS Module 

Regis­tra­ti­on of sta­te of the art in the pro­cess, assess­ment and clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the rele­van­ce and sta­tus of IDS at the US PTO and other count­ries with simi­lar requirements. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inter­face with pay­ment institutions 

Inter­faces with the auto­ma­tic export and data recon­ci­lia­ti­on with PAVIS, Den­ne­mey­er, Ipan, CPA, CPI and Brandstock 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Pavis Connect 

Inter­face with the PAVIS web ser­ver with real-time visua­li­sa­ti­on and cost preview. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Online Filing 

Elec­tro­nic regis­tra­ti­on of pro­per­ty rights via DPMA­di­rekt­Pro, EPA Online / CMS as well as IGE. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

EPO pay­ment interface 

The EPO online pay­ment inter­face with elec­tro­nic pay­ment of annu­al char­ges and legal fees and inspec­tion of the cur­rent account balan­ce as well as gene­ra­ti­on of a cor­re­spon­ding inco­ming invoice to be pas­sed on. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Accounts interface 

Exch­an­ge of invoice data bet­ween exis­ting accoun­ting sys­tems such as Sage KHK, DATEV and WiNPAT. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

SAP interface 

Set­ting up data exch­an­ge with SAP on the basis of cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic specifications. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Ana­ly­tics plus 

Ana­ly­ti­cal tool for pre­sen­ting the port­fo­lio on the basis of the WiN­PAT report and for detec­ting data out­liers and unfil­led data fields to impro­ve data quality. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

KPI package 

Indi­vi­du­al­ly defi­nable data ana­ly­ses and gra­phic pre­sen­ta­ti­on of IP key indi­ca­tors as the basis for manage­ment and stra­te­gic planning. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Opt-Out Sun­ri­se package 

Deter­mi­ning and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly imple­men­ting opt-out decis­i­ons on the rele­vant port­fo­lio by cli­ents or cost centres. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Mul­ti­l­in­gu­al capability 

User-spe­ci­fic set­ting and chan­ge of desi­red lan­guage (Ger­man or English). 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Auto­ma­tic sto­rage of all chan­ges to a docu­ment inclu­ding the ope­ra­ti­ve; pre­ven­ti­on of memo­ry con­flicts if docu­ments are cal­led up simul­ta­neous­ly by means of an expli­cit check-out. Full text search built in. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Indi­vi­du­al solutions 

The­re are sure to be many more requi­re­ments for indi­vi­du­al inter­faces or func­tions. We are also hap­py to accept your requests as a challenge. 


Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Soli­ci­tor portal 

Access for exter­nal soli­ci­tors to the pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio which they repre­sent. Defi­nable scope of visi­ble infor­ma­ti­on and exch­an­ge of data and documents. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Inven­tor portal 

Com­pa­ny-wide plat­form for sub­mit­ting inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures by Wizard or as a docu­ment. Pro­vi­si­on of infor­ma­ti­on on inven­ti­on reports, sta­te of the art or the pro­per­ty rights portfolio. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Decis­i­on-maker portal 

Fil­ing of decis­i­ons on the regis­tra­ti­on of inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures, sub­se­quent filings, vali­da­ti­ons, natio­na­li­sa­ti­ons, rene­wals and much more bes­i­des on the basis of dead­lines and a clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on rele­vant to the decis­i­on-making process. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Info Portal 

Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble over­views of inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures and pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio of a company. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Cli­ent portal 

Cli­ents’ online access to their pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio with the opti­on for docu­ment exch­an­ge, recrea­ting orders or decis­i­ons such as renewal. 


Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Soli­ci­tor portal 

Access for exter­nal soli­ci­tors to the pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio which they repre­sent. Defi­nable scope of visi­ble infor­ma­ti­on and exch­an­ge of data and documents. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Inven­tor portal 

Com­pa­ny-wide plat­form for sub­mit­ting inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures by Wizard or as a docu­ment. Pro­vi­si­on of infor­ma­ti­on on inven­ti­on reports, sta­te of the art or the pro­per­ty rights portfolio. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Decis­i­on-maker portal 

Fil­ing of decis­i­ons on the regis­tra­ti­on of inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures, sub­se­quent filings, vali­da­ti­ons, natio­na­li­sa­ti­ons, rene­wals and much more bes­i­des on the basis of dead­lines and a clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on rele­vant to the decis­i­on-making process. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Info Portal 

Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble over­views of inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures and pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio of a company. 
Portale Patentverwaltung Markenverwaltung Schutzrechtsverwaltung

Cli­ent portal 

Cli­ents’ online access to their pro­per­ty rights port­fo­lio with the opti­on for docu­ment exch­an­ge, recrea­ting orders or decis­i­ons such as renewal. 

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about WiN­PAT or would you like a per­so­nal presentation?

WiN­PAT — IP manage­ment solu­ti­on | GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH