IP Management Software
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Sca­lable IP manage­ment soft­ware for cor­po­ra­tes and law firms

Mana­ge and pro­cess your patents, trade­marks, designs and domains with us.

Sca­lable IP management
soft­ware for cor­po­ra­tes and law firms

Sca­lable IP management
soft­ware for cor­po­ra­tes and law firms

Sca­lable IP management
soft­ware for cor­po­ra­tes and law firms

Mana­ge and pro­cess your patents, trade­marks, designs and domains with us.

Mana­ge and pro­cess your patents, trade­marks, designs and domains with us.

Mana­ge and pro­cess your patents, trade­marks, designs and domains with us.

IP experts rely on our products

We have been loo­king after IP manage­ment soft­ware to opti­mi­se work pro­ces­ses for the admi­nis­tra­ti­on of all pro­per­ty rights such as trade­marks, patents and designs for over 35 years. You, too, can trust our solu­ti­ons from experts for experts.

Our IP manage­ment soft­ware solutions

IP Management Software Patentverwaltungssoftware

GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH head­quar­te­red in Munich offers soft­ware that lives up to the mot­to “IP Soft­ware that works like you do” and always focu­ses on the needs of our cus­to­mers. With our fle­xi­ble, modu­lar pro­ducts, we can indi­vi­du­al­ly map your work pro­ces­ses for mana­ging all intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights such as trade­marks, patents, designs, whe­ther law firm or cor­po­ra­te – lar­ge or small. Our exten­si­ve IP know-how and years of expe­ri­ence in imple­men­ting pro­jects and sta­tu­to­ry requi­re­ments repre­sent the ide­al foun­da­ti­on for doing so.

Our SaaS solu­ti­on
for your IP management

Are you loo­king for a fast “out of the box” solu­ti­on for your team? With the hig­hest level of secu­ri­ty and all the func­tions requi­red for glo­bal col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and the cen­tral pro­ces­sing and manage­ment of your indus­tri­al pro­per­ty rights?

WiNPAT - Patentverwaltungssoftware

Our cli­ent ser­ver solu­ti­on
for your IP management

With our patent and trade­mark admi­nis­tra­ti­on soft­ware WiN­PAT, you do not have to make any com­pro­mi­ses. WiN­PAT maps all busi­ness pro­ces­ses of an IP law firm or IP depart­ment in a fle­xi­ble, sca­lable and indi­vi­du­al­ly adap­ta­ble way.

Here’s what our cli­ents have to say

IP manage­ment soft­ware for experts from experts

You, too, can trust our soft­ware solu­ti­ons for pro­ces­sing and mana­ging all pro­per­ty rights such as trade­marks, patents, domains and designs – for law firms or cor­po­ra­tes, lar­ge or small.

IP manage­ment soft­ware for patents, trade­marks, designs and domains