Scalable IP management software for corporates and law firms
Manage and process your patents, trademarks, designs and domains with us.
Scalable IP management
software for corporates and law firms
Scalable IP management
software for corporates and law firms
Scalable IP management
software for corporates and law firms
Manage and process your patents, trademarks, designs and domains with us.
Manage and process your patents, trademarks, designs and domains with us.
Manage and process your patents, trademarks, designs and domains with us.
IP experts rely on our products
We have been looking after IP management software to optimise work processes for the administration of all property rights such as trademarks, patents and designs for over 35 years. You, too, can trust our solutions from experts for experts.

Our IP management software solutions

GSI Office Management GmbH headquartered in Munich offers software that lives up to the motto “IP Software that works like you do” and always focuses on the needs of our customers. With our flexible, modular products, we can individually map your work processes for managing all intellectual property rights such as trademarks, patents, designs, whether law firm or corporate – large or small. Our extensive IP know-how and years of experience in implementing projects and statutory requirements represent the ideal foundation for doing so.
Our SaaS solution
for your IP management
Are you looking for a fast “out of the box” solution for your team? With the highest level of security and all the functions required for global collaboration and the central processing and management of your industrial property rights?

Our client server solution
for your IP management
With our patent and trademark administration software WiNPAT, you do not have to make any compromises. WiNPAT maps all business processes of an IP law firm or IP department in a flexible, scalable and individually adaptable way.
Here’s what our clients have to say
“The introduction was pleasingly unproblematic. We worked with WiNPAT practically from the first moment, everyone in the department. The GSI software is a must, especially because it also makes working with our lawyers easier.”
Patent and contract management, Komet Group Holding GmbH, Besigheim / Germany
“With IP Now I have finally found a software solution which can grow in a flexible way with me and my law firm and has considerable future potential. And all of this at a reasonable price-performance ratio.”
Patent Attorney, BANZHAF IP,
Stuttgart / Germany
“IP Now is the patent management software with an integrated home office. As IP Now users, we only need an internet connection to be fully operational — regardless of location and platform. Since IP Now is a cloud solution, we do not have to maintain any hardware and don’t need to worry about any updates, backups, etc.”
Patent Attorney — Janke Scholl Patent Attorneys, Düsseldorf / Germany
“With IP Now, we are finally making our structures as agile as we have always wanted them to be.”
European Patent Attorney — PAUSTIAN & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbB, München / Germany
“The excellent service line guarantees competent support at all times.”
Head of CMC — MEDICE GmbH & Co. KG,
Iserlohn / Germany
“I’ve been working with WiNPAT for nearly ten years. It’s amazing how harmoniously the system adapts to both a one-man department and a larger department with complex processes. I can only recommend WiNPAT to everyone.”
R&D/Zentral — Olympus Winter & Ibe GmbH,
Hamburg / Germany
“A very professional project management and a very dedicated team have made our WiNPAT introductory project a very positive experience for us.”
R&D Intellectual Property — TREIBACHER INDUSTRIE AG, Althofen / Austria
“Our law firm has been working reliably with GSI’s WiNPAT database for many years. Anyone who has already worked with a database to manage property rights and gets to know WiNPAT for the first time, will appreciate it immediately. It is a very well structured and easy-to-grasp database. It has many useful functions across the board which enable customers to work efficiently in the management of property rights.”
Head of Trademarks and Designs — Schreiber Hahn Sommerlad Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB, Frankfurt am Main / Germany
“Our firm was one of GSI’s very first customers. Every day we discover anew how correct and far-sighted this decision to opt for GSI was on the part of our founders. Since that day, we have carried out countless projects with GSI in optimising the processes within our firm. In the process, we have always been able to rely on the outstanding know-how of GSI’s experts. The lofty claim “WiNPAT — and the work flows” is impressively confirmed in our firm. I can warmly recommend WiNPAT to all my colleagues.”
Senior Partner — Kuhnen & Wacker Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsbüro PartG mbB,
Freising / Germany
“Siegenia-Aubi has been successfully using WiNPAT for many years and we feel that WiNPAT is a solution that reduces workload and does not generate additional effort. We use WiNPAT to handle all processes for two companies, from the invention disclosure to the intellectual property task. We use optimal process maps according to our internal processes and needs. The document management and internal cost allocation is almost perfect and we were able to flexibly design the document generation according to our ideas.”
Head of patent department, Siegenia-Aubi KG, Siegen / Germany
IP management software for experts from experts
You, too, can trust our software solutions for processing and managing all property rights such as trademarks, patents, domains and designs – for law firms or corporates, large or small.