Con­sul­ting and ser­vice are front and cent­re for us

Intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty know-how and ser­vice from a sin­gle source

As our cus­to­mer, you recei­ve a com­ple­te ser­vice packa­ge. Start­ing with con­sul­ting espe­ci­al­ly tail­o­red to fit your law firm or com­pa­ny, we will natu­ral­ly also take char­ge of con­ver­ting and migra­ting your data and docu­ments on request if you opt for one of our IP manage­ment sys­tems, IP Now or WiN­PAT. We will pro­vi­de inten­si­ve sup­port during the enti­re intro­duc­tion pha­se and ensu­re a smooth start to your new pro­per­ty rights manage­ment. Natu­ral­ly, we will also be the­re for you the­re­af­ter and we will sup­port you at all times in dai­ly operations.

On request, we will also car­ry out pro­cess con­sul­ting to iden­ti­fy the best pro­ces­ses for you. Our team pos­s­es­ses wide-ran­ging, in-depth IP know-how and many years of expe­ri­ence to sup­port you in desig­ning your pro­ces­ses or intro­du­cing elec­tro­nic files. GSI offers you ever­y­thing from a sin­gle source and will pro­vi­de you with unfet­te­red sup­port – and you deci­de the ext­ent to which you take advan­ta­ge of our services.

IP Management Software


Take our non-bin­ding advice on the opti­mum deploy­ment of IP Now or WiN­PAT in your com­pa­ny or law firm. We will be hap­py to inform you in detail on the func­tion­a­li­ty of our intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty soft­ware, and tog­e­ther with you, we will draw up a tail­o­red solu­ti­on for the digi­ti­sa­ti­on of your work­flows. Just call us.

IP Management Software


Our IP manage­ment soft­ware can be indi­vi­dua­li­sed to the maxi­mum. Whe­ther during its intro­duc­tion or in sub­se­quent pro­jects – we will adapt ever­y­thing to fit your indi­vi­du­al wis­hes. Win­dows, inter­faces, indi­vi­du­al reports, form let­ters, forms, work­flows – draw up your requi­re­ments and we will find a solu­ti­on. Our por­tals are also indi­vi­du­al­ly configurable.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about our services?

Call us
+49 89 89544 500



On request, we will migra­te your exis­ting data or docu­ments to the new intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty manage­ment sys­tem. To do so, we first ana­ly­se your exis­ting data struc­tu­re and then tog­e­ther with you we draw up a time­ta­ble for the migra­ti­on. If neces­sa­ry, we will clear out the data and com­bi­ne fami­ly data. We will ensu­re that the data pool is clean when you go live.



Whe­ther it con­cerns the intro­duction of our soft­ware, its indi­vi­dua­li­sa­ti­on or exten­si­on – depen­ding on the size of the pro­ject, you will be sup­port­ed by one or more con­sul­tants from our team. You will always be in direct cont­act with your per­so­nal advi­sor. We will pro­vi­de inten­si­ve sup­port throug­hout your pro­jects and the­re­af­ter we will also sup­port you at any time.

Do you need more information?



You will recei­ve regu­lar month­ly updates from us as part of the pro­cess of main­tai­ning your soft­ware (forms, rules on terms and fees). ­­ We will inform you of chan­ges in our accom­pany­ing news­let­ter. We also sup­p­ly regu­lar ser­vice packs and new soft­ware ver­si­ons. You will not incur any addi­tio­nal licen­sing cos­ts for upgrades to new versions. 


Our trai­ning ses­si­ons cover all are­as of acti­vi­ty and will quick­ly give you the capa­bi­li­ty to work with our intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty manage­ment soft­ware solu­ti­ons to opti­mum effect. We offer indi­vi­du­al trai­ning on your pre­mi­ses or you can take part in our trai­ning semi­nars which are held on a regu­lar basis. We also hold free web­i­nars on spe­cial sub­jects or new functions.

Con­sul­ting and ser­vice | Patent manage­ment | GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH