IP Now — our all-round web solu­ti­on for your opti­mi­sed IP management

IP Now IP Management Software
IP Now - Patentmanagement software

Are you loo­king for a fast “out of the box” solu­ti­on for your team in the cloud? With the hig­hest level of secu­ri­ty and all the func­tions requi­red for glo­bal col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and the cen­tral pro­ces­sing and manage­ment of your indus­tri­al pro­per­ty rights?

IP Now was crea­ted from over 35 years of expe­ri­ence in the admi­nis­tra­ti­on and manage­ment of Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty. But IP Now is more than pro­fes­sio­nal web-based IP manage­ment software.

IP Now has files, auto­ma­tic terms, docu­ments, form let­ters – ever­y­thing an IP manage­ment sys­tem needs. It also allows you a total­ly new way of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on by inte­gra­ting por­tals, chat, noti­fi­ca­ti­ons and tasks.

As a cloud-ver­si­on, IP Now enables fast and easy hand­ling of all pro­ces­ses in decen­tra­li­zed orga­niza­ti­ons and via home office no mat­ter what device you use (PC, Mac, tablet).

IP Now reflects your busi­ness pro­ces­ses even bet­ter and more sim­ply – regard­less of whe­ther you’re a law firm or corporate.

IP Now — the cloud-based
IP manage­ment software

IP Now sup­ports the work of all tho­se invol­ved in the IP process.
Our net­work­ed apps ensu­re that you can quick­ly access your files, docu­ments or terms and com­ple­te your tasks. And from the­re, you can of cour­se reach all fur­ther data and infor­ma­ti­on of rele­van­ce in the sys­tem. Dis­co­ver a com­ple­te­ly new, simp­le way of navi­ga­ting through your intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights.

A cli­ent-inde­pen­dent SaaS solu­ti­on with no main­ten­an­ce or instal­la­ti­on expen­ses and no addi­tio­nal ser­ver costs

Opti­mum sup­port for your work with docu­ments through inte­gra­ted docu­ment manage­ment sys­tem (DMS)

Tar­ge­ted per­for­mance of your intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty pro­ces­ses through con­nec­ted apps

IP Now - IP management software cloud

Easy and quick com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on exch­an­ge with inte­gra­ted chat and email

Secu­re and relia­ble IP manage­ment: hos­ted, made and ser­viced in Germany

Con­ti­nuous expan­si­on of func­tions based on cur­rent  requi­re­ments through agi­le soft­ware development

We gua­ran­tee that your data and docu­ments will be hand­led securely

Security Saas Intellectual Property Verwaltung
  • Ope­ra­ting in a Ger­man data cent­re (powered by 100 % green elec­tri­ci­ty from rene­wa­ble ener­gy sources) with the rele­vant cer­ti­fi­ca­te ISO 27001 and ISO 9001
  • Encryp­ti­on of all rele­vant ser­ver data car­ri­ers incl. all data and backups
  • Regu­lar pene­tra­ti­on tests by an exter­nal company
  • A sepa­ra­te data­ba­se per IP Now customer
  • Encrypt­ed cli­ent ser­ver com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with https
  • Encryp­ti­on of pass­word with AES
  • Assign­ment of pro­ces­sing rights per user depen­ding on the task
  • Auto­ma­tic audit trail for all activities

Dis­co­ver how IP Now helps you to mana­ge your intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights


Intellectual property management software

App Structure 

Net­work­ed apps for tar­ge­ted access to files, docu­ments, terms or tasks. Depen­ding on the task at hand and your cur­rent focus, it’s easy to get into IP Now quick­ly and navi­ga­te to the next topic. 
Intellectual property management software

Intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights 

Patents, trade­marks and designs for natio­nal, inter­na­tio­nal and regio­nal pro­ce­du­res inclu­ding Unita­ry Patent. Two-par­ty pro­cee­dings and third-par­ty pro­per­ty rights. 
Intellectual property management software


Con­flict files for mana­ging court pro­cee­dings as plain­ti­ff or defen­dant. With spe­cial nomen­cla­tu­re, con­flict types, sta­tus and spe­cial docu­ment types. 
Intellectual property management software


Domain files for admi­nis­tra­ti­on of own and 3rd par­ty domains. 
Intellectual property management software


Gene­ral files for mana­ging con­tracts, rese­arch results, etc. Clear pre-defi­ned struc­tu­re ali­gned with sta­tus of pro­ce­du­re and information. 
Intellectual property management software


Admi­nis­tra­ti­on of licence agree­ments, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of licence direc­tion (licen­cing in/out and cross licen­cing). Admi­nis­tra­ti­on of rele­vant fields: licence type, sub­ject mat­ter, terms, sta­tus and rele­vant IP rights. 
Intellectual property management software


Manu­al and auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of terms for files (incl. indi­vi­du­al cli­ent con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on). Sta­tu­to­ry terms and offi­ci­al dates in Ger­ma­ny, Euro­pe and WIPO. Clear pre­sen­ta­ti­on of terms in the Terms app. Direct access from the term to the file or task. Spe­ci­fic list for annui­ties and rene­wals. Cus­to­mi­zed remin­ders based on due dates. 
Intellectual property management software


Manu­al and auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of tasks for files, docu­ments or terms. Dif­fe­rent view and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of tasks using Kan­ban, grid or time­line. Direct link to files, terms and documents. 
Intellectual property management software


Gene­ra­te docu­ments from a file, assign or upload docu­ments to sin­gle or mul­ti­ple files. Mul­ti upload via drag & drop and mul­ti­ple down­loads. Edit docu­ments wit­hout the need to down­load them (Web­DAV). Book­marks and anno­ta­ti­ons shown in the document. 
Intellectual property management software


Powerful search capa­bi­li­ties inclu­ding full text search in all docu­ments, gene­ral search across the enti­re workspace and app-spe­ci­fic search of files, docu­ments, etc. 
Intellectual property management software


Built in docu­ment manage­ment sys­tem with ver­sio­ning capa­bi­li­ty. Avo­id­ance of sto­rage con­flicts in mul­ti-user ope­ra­ti­on through check­ou­t/check-in function. 
Intellectual property management software


Inte­gra­ti­on of own and group mail­box via Exch­an­ge or IMAP, to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assign emails and mes­sa­ges from the EPO mail­box (API) to files based on the file number. 
Intellectual property management software

Online Filing 

Inter­faces with Ger­man Patent and Trade­mark Office (DPMA) and EPO for elec­tro­nic registration. 
Patent management software

Chat about the case 

Real-time com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on on a file or docu­ment with the pos­si­bi­li­ty to defi­ne groups per case from IP Now. Access every chats irre­spec­ti­ve of their age. 
Patent management software


Noti­fi­ca­ti­on of user on new tasks or enqui­ries about files/documents/terms. Opti­on to choo­se how fre­quent­ly and via what chan­nel (within IP Now and/or by email) the noti­fi­ca­ti­on is to be sent. 
Patent management software

OPS inter­face for docu­ment import 

Inter­face to the Open Patent Ser­vice of the EPO for down­loa­ding PDF docu­ments (publi­ca­ti­on docu­ments) within a file. 
Patent management software

Dyna­mic links 

Dyna­mic gene­ra­ti­on of links to the data­ba­ses of the offices: ­Patents (Espa­ce­n­et, Euro­pean Patent Regis­ter, Patent­scope, DPMA­Re­gis­ter, DEPA­TIS­net); ­ Designs (DPMA, EUIPO, WIPO); Trade­marks (eSe­arch plus, eRe­gis­ter, Madrid Moni­tor, DPMA­Re­gis­ter); Publi­ca­ti­ons in the IPscree­ner app (Espa­ce­n­et).
Patent management software


Admi­nis­tra­ti­on and manage­ment of legal enti­ties and per­sons. Add dif­fe­rent addres­ses (billing‑, mail address, etc.) and roles. Cen­tra­li­sed swit­ching on and off to mana­ging the pay­ment of fees for all of the client’s files. 
Patent management software


Auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of terms or form let­ters from the system. 
IP Now Patent management software


No need to install soft­ware on your PC/tablet if brow­ser (Chrome/Firefox) and soft­ware for pro­ces­sing docu­ments (Word, Ado­be Acro­bat, etc.) are available. Client-independently. 
Patent management software


Orga­ni­sa­ti­on and user spe­ci­fic report crea­ti­on and manage­ment. Gene­ra­te and share report in your workspace with access to enti­re data set in your sys­tem. Exporta­ti­on of reports as .csv-file or as Excel-file inclu­ding embedded pictures. 
Patent management software


Pre-defi­ned and cus­to­mi­sable dash­board wid­gets to deter­mi­ne key figu­res for inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures, patents, trade­marks and designs. Inte­gra­ti­on of self-defi­ned reports and their depic­tion as list, grid or chart. 
Patent management software

Mul­ti­l­in­gu­al capability 

User inter­face in two lan­guages, Ger­man or Eng­li­shi nclu­ding dif­fe­rent date for­mats. Set pre­fer­red lan­guage in your per­so­nal user pro­fi­le. Recipient’s lan­guage is con­side­red when gene­ra­ting docu­ments or emails. 
Patent management software

Roles and rights 

Pre-defi­ned roles for rele­vant ope­ra­ti­ons can be assi­gned to spe­ci­fic users. Defi­ni­ti­on of per­mis­si­on groups, that can be com­bi­ned individually. 
Patent management software

Form letters 

Gene­ra­ti­on of emails or Word docu­ments from tem­pla­tes can be adapt­ed to fit spe­ci­fic client´s requirements. 


Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Sen­ding an access code per text mes­sa­ge (SMS) for 2‑factor authen­ti­ca­ti­on to a self-depo­si­ted mobi­le pho­ne number. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Inte­gra­ti­on of sin­gle sign-on tech­no­lo­gy (SSO), based on SAML 2.0.
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

4‑eyes principle 

Defi­ni­ti­on of 4‑eyes tasks for auto­ma­tic or manu­al gene­ra­ti­on of tasks. Visu­al mar­king of files, dead­lines and docu­ments with pen­ding 4‑eyes tasks. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Gene­ra­ting ins­truc­tion let­ters for annui­ties and rene­wals for 3rd par­ties (for­eign agent, IP ser­vice pro­vi­der, DPMA and EPO). 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Elec­tro­nic mail­box for EPO and DPMA 

Embed­ding of DPMA and EPO elec­tro­nic mail­box items, to assign docu­ments (office actions, noti­ces, etc.) auto­ma­ti­cal­ly or manu­al­ly to the files. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Map­ping of inter­nal decis­i­on making pro­ces­ses (annui­ties, rene­wals, sub­se­quent filings, vali­da­ti­ons and nationalisations/ regionalisations). 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Remin­der tool for crea­ting sin­gle and list remin­ders (via email and let­ter) in a batch pro­cess, based on indi­vi­du­al cli­ent set­tings. Bulk-down­load and auto­ma­ted email dis­patch. Auto­ma­tic invoice gene­ra­ti­on for terms. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Manu­al or timer ope­ra­ted recor­ding of per­for­med ser­vices inclu­ding time expen­dit­ures, date, per­forming per­son and kind of ser­vice as well as assign­ment to a file. Manage­ment of indi­vi­du­al hour­ly rates. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

OPS inter­face
for Data import 

Import of miss­ing biblio­gra­phic data for published patents for own and 3rd par­ty patents. Auto­ma­tic file crea­ti­on for sin­gle 3rd par­ty patents or the com­ple­te patent family. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management

Inbound mail processing 

Struc­tu­red pro­cess of hand­ling inco­ming mail (emails and docu­ments). Joi­n­ed review and pro­ces­sing of inco­ming docu­ments in a team. Assig­ning pre­de­fi­ned tasks and a respon­si­ble per­son to the document 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Crea­ti­on and admi­nis­tra­ti­on of inco­ming, out­go­ing and can­cel­la­ti­on invoices for files incl. for­eign cur­ren­cy manage­ment. Gene­ra­ti­on of e‑invoices direct­ly in PDF/A‑3A for­mat, inclu­ding embedded XML file. Con­ver­si­on and sen­ding as PDF file. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Recorda­ti­on of inven­tors’ shares, licence fac­tors and reve­nues. Cal­cu­la­ti­on of remu­ne­ra­ti­ons based on lump sum, licence ana­lo­gy, licence and ope­ra­tio­nal savings. Import of reve­nues from Excel list. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Online access for cli­ents to IP port­fo­lio for data and docu­ment exch­an­ge. Assign­ment of tasks direct­ly to cli­ents. Assign­ment of tasks direct­ly to clients. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


Stan­dard inven­ti­on por­tal as a com­pa­ny­wi­de inven­tor plat­form for sub­mit­ting inven­ti­on dis­clo­sures and inter­ac­ting with the patent department. 
Optionale Ergänzungen IP Now Patent Management


By request, imple­men­ta­ti­on of fur­ther web por­tals, such as order or infor­ma­ti­on portals. 


Interfaces patent management software


Online inter­face to PAVIS Con­nect for trans­mis­si­on of annu­al fees and main­ten­an­ce with real-time visua­li­sa­ti­on of the file sta­tus and trans­mis­si­on of the expec­ted cos­ts. Regis­ter, update, can­cel and dele­te files in batch. Import of elec­tro­nic PAVIS invoices. Export of files in XML-spe­ci­fic PAVIS format. 


Online inter­face for trans­mis­si­on of annu­al fees and main­ten­an­ce with review and veri­fi­ca­ti­on of the data by Cla­ri­va­te. Retrie­val and import of invoices (invoice data inclu­ding invoice docu­ments) with the opti­on of an auto­ma­tic term pro­ces­sing. Retrie­val of esti­ma­ted cos­ts as well as dis­crepan­ci­es repor­ted by Cla­ri­va­te or pay­ments to be made for a file. 
Interfaces patent management


Online inter­face to IPscree­ner for effi­ci­ent, text­ba­sed, AI-sup­port­ed patent rese­ar­ches with read and import opti­ons of rese­arch results. 

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about IP Now or would you like a per­so­nal presentation?

IP Now — cloud-based IP manage­ment soft­ware | GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH