About us

IP Soft­ware that works like you do

True to our mot­to “IP Soft­ware that works like you do”, GSI Office Manage­ment GmbH, based in Munich, has been sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly desig­ning new pro­ducts and soft­ware solu­ti­ons for over 35 years – always focus­sed on the needs of our cus­to­mers. With our fle­xi­ble and modu­lar IP manage­ment sys­tems IP Now and WiN­PAT we can indi­vi­du­al­ly map your work­flows for the admi­nis­tra­ti­on of all intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights such as trade­marks, patents and designs, whe­ther law firm or cor­po­ra­te — small or large.

The acti­vi­ties of an IP orga­ni­sa­ti­on are in many respects based on stan­dard pro­ces­ses and can the­r­e­fo­re be sup­port­ed by a stan­dard pro­duct. But the­re are also indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments to opti­mi­ze the pro­ces­ses in detail. Our WiN­PAT and IP Now pro­ducts address the enti­re spec­trum. You can use our IP manage­ment soft­ware “out of the box”. Howe­ver, you can also have us set up a solu­ti­on based on the­se pro­ducts that is adapt­ed to your spe­cial needs.

Our dyna­mic team con­sists of dedi­ca­ted employees who have been using their expe­ri­ence and know-how – and abo­ve all their pas­si­on – every day for over 35 years to opti­mi­se your working pro­ces­ses with our Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty Manage­ment soft­ware and our ser­vices with las­ting effect. We attach gre­at importance to a good working rela­ti­onship and good com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on throug­hout the enti­re team.

In our 15 minu­te “Dai­ly”, we swap cur­rent infor­ma­ti­on and insights and tog­e­ther draw up solu­ti­ons to ongo­ing assign­ments. Our cus­to­mers are also the bene­fi­ci­a­ries of this sys­tem. Our slo­gan “… and the work flows …” is our gui­ding maxim in our dai­ly actions and it sum­ma­ri­ses our phi­lo­so­phy in a nuts­hell. This is our pro­mi­se to you: pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject hand­ling and a high­ly dedi­ca­ted team.

Our sto­ry


A visi­on takes shape

In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Prof. Bart­mann and the law firm of Lou­is, Pöhlau & Segeth in Nürn­berg, Chris­ti­an Kra­mer and Andre­as Otto begin an aca­de­mic the­sis on the sub­ject of soft­ware for mana­ging pro­per­ty rights.



The foun­da­ti­on stone

GmbH foun­ded and com­mer­cial mar­ke­ting of our first pro­duct PATSYS.


The breakth­rough

The first major over­all pro­ject is award­ed by the law firm Kuh­nen, Wacker & Part­ner, Freising.


Win­dows development

Start of Win­dows deve­lo­p­ment with the sys­te­ma­tic use of object-ori­en­ted methods and concepts.


Mar­ket launch of WiNPAT

A modern, Win­dows-based IP manage­ment soft­ware is offe­red by GSI. The sys­te­ma­tic use of object-ori­en­ted methods makes WiN­PAT a strong product.


WiN­PAT Portal

With the WiN­PAT Por­tal, cus­to­mers now have access to a powerful por­tal solu­ti­on. WiN­PAT 5, a fur­ther mile­stone, is launched.


Deve­lo­p­ment of a gene­ric platform

TIVI­TY is foun­ded as a sis­ter com­pa­ny to GSI. It deve­lo­ps a Low Coding Plat­form on the basis of .NET on which GSI crea­tes its new IP Manage­ment software.


Launch of IP Now

GSI laun­ches IP Now, a cloud-based soft­ware solu­ti­on for IP management.


35th anni­ver­sa­ry

Sin­ce our foun­ding, we have con­ti­nuous­ly evol­ved to pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with the best IP manage­ment solutions.

About us and our IP manage­ment soft­ware | GSI Office